Monday, 10 November 2014


Editing styles in a thriller scene is important because they work well to engage the reader and build a gradual relationship with the audience. Editing styles creates elements of shock, suspense, suprise and tension.

In our thriller opening sequence we have chosen four things to include, the first being slow editing. Slow editing is conventional in a thriller film as it builds up tension quickly in a short amount of time e.g. a phone ringing, the camera slowly zooming in and capturing the charachters face. In our opening sequence we have discussed using slow editing in our opening scene. This editing shot will be used after panning as the build up to the window will create suprise to the audience when they see a black figure hovering around. In this scene the characters will not be able to see what the audience can see, meaning the audience will empathise for them and create a relationship through being scared and feeling sorry for the characters themselves. Slow editing can change the mood quickly and in our case we are hoping that it will. The camera in this ecene will be kept still and the zooming in to the window will happen slowly and gradually.

The second editing style we have chosen to use is montage editing. Monatage is the technique of selcting, editing and peicing together separate sections of film to form a continuous whole. We have discussed using montage editing when the reaction shot is taking place. Lots of mini shots will be taken at one time and edited together. These shots will be quick flashes of the characters faces and facial expressions when they hear a loud whistle in the forest. The montage will be quick and fiesty and show the facial expressions very quickly. Montage editing is a convention of a thriller film as it can get through to the audience quikcly and show to them what emotions are being felt. Although we feel this will not create much of a relationship with the audience, we do feel that they will have the image that they are in the scene and feel the same emotions that they do, creating a sense of shock and suspense. Our overall discussion came to a conclusion that the suspense aspect will state a feeling of excitement or anxious uncertainty about what may happen next.

The third editing style we have discussed, researached and chosen to use is fade/dissolve. This is a gradual transisiton from one image to another or fade into complete darkness or a blank image. We have decided to use this editing technique when the two main characters walk down a long stretch of road. This fade will end the scene and slowly open the next scene. Closing the setting leaves the emtrom of the characters hanging and leaves emotion. Although, we found that this technique will not create a relationship with the audience as there is no emotion shown through the characters and no close up shots spoken directly to the audience. This scene pourly shows a shot from behind (hand held camera).

The last use of editing we are using is a Reaction shot. A reaction shot shows the reaction of a characters facial expression or body language or can show a reaction taking place in a scene. After much research on reaction shots we have decided we are going to use one in our opening sequence. We have chose to use our reaction shot when the two main characters walk into the forest and hear a whistling noise and scattering of the leaves.

all of these editing skills will help to capture the audience even more. for example the reaction shot will show to the audience a quick shot of what has just happened and a clear glimpse of what they are feeling and why there reaction is.

1 comment:

  1. This post demonstrates proficient planning techniques, which is evident through the editing styles that you have selected to write to write about.

    To develop your planning further you need to consider the conventions of a thriller in more detail and the effect that you wish to create. You also need to explore the relationship between your audience in more detail and the emotions that will be created, through the editing styles that you have selected to write about. This will enable your planning to be more detailed.
