Tuesday, 2 December 2014



After planning our individual story boards and agreeing on our final decisions, together as a group we have created a group story board, of 20 frames.
 A group story board helps us to create final ideas and conclude on what final techniques we will be using. From our individual story boards we each came up with different ideas and putting them onto our own story boards, from this we used different features from each of our group members frames and drew the final frames onto our story boards. From looking at different features we found that the different ideas helped us to come to a conclusion quicker, and helped us to listen to each other more carefully.

In our first story board we have created four frames, these four frames include pictures as well as specific details about the scene. Our opening scene shows a black screen ( low-key lighting), this is because there will be a sound recording in the background of the news, revealing to the audience that there have missing people in the area. Without any picture on the screen this will immediately alert the audience watching and create a sense of eagerness of wanting to watch more. We found that from all of our individual ideas the back screen as an opening would work best as it doesn't give away any clues of what could jump out on the screen next. As the scenes move on the scene soon opens and shows the living room of one the girls houses. Here there is low-key lighting, two characters present and slow zooming in to create tension and suspense. In the third frame there will be eery, slow music that will build tension on the screen. The quiet music will be unexpected and will gradually build faster and faster as a third character (antagonist) appears at the window. The low-key lighting is conventional and easily adds tension to the scene. The low-key lighting in our film is showing to the audience that its night time, an easy time for the antagonist to arrive. A small whistling noise will be present whenever the antagonist is around in the opening sequence, although he may not be present on the screen, it will not only scare the audience but the characters in the film too as the noise will be present in both.

 In our second story board, again we created four frames. Although in this story board the scene changes and the main key lighting changes. In our first frame we  have the ending scene of the front room, here the lighting is still the same and includes all three of the main characters. This scene is shown differently to the audience than to the characters. The audience see the background behind them (antagonist) whereas they don't, building suspense on the screen, creating a relationship between the audience and the characters as they will be eager to tell them that there mystery killer is behind them. The second frame changes the scene quickly, and this is where the flashes of montage begin to appear on the screen throughout. The road ahead shown on screen is long and conventional for thriller as there is a long shot shown of the characters showing to the audience the darkness and what danger they are really in. In this scene natural lighting is used (darkness with small amount of lighting), this captures the audiences attention more as they can see more on the screen and most of the characters clothing and facial expressions.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 

In our third group story board we started going into more detail as more things were starting to take place at the same time. All of these frames are filmed outside, although with different settings. We are using flashbacks of different photos e.g. in this we flash back to the antagonist drawing all over the pictures of the victims he has in his sight, this will scare the audience, as the chartacters dont see what they are seeing and almost feel patrinised. Each of these scenes will happen fast, short and snappy, this will create the audinece to feel scared and waiting for the next arrival on the screen. Another scene which we found from research which works well is frame 3, where we are burning paper ( pictures of victims ). The background will be low-key lighting with only the fire light showing what is taking place, this brings tension and suspense to the audience watching. The fire will represent what the antagonist is going to do to the victims and represent to the audience who his victims are. The Montage around the tree will slowly show one of the antagonists victims tied up to a tree, this will be a quick flash and will not show much to the audience, making them more intrigued as they feel that they have to watch closely.

The fourth storyboard we then created as a group began with the two girls in the forest wondering around, which immediately creates a sense of foreboding as two vulnerable, young girls are in the middle of an isolated setting without any escape or anybody near by to there them if they are in danger. This gives a sense of an isolated scene, leaving the characters feeling venerable and needing help, giving the audience the chance to create a relationship with them, 

Overall, I think that our storyboard works well as the scenes flow well after eachother. There is a range of different camera techniques throughout the opening sequence, including a long shot, point of view shot and a high angled shot so it is not one continuous mid shot scene.

1 comment:

  1. You have provided a basic analysis of your group’s storyboard, explaining what your sequence will consist of and how you hope the audience will react to it.

    You need to:
    1) Pick three specific examples of micro-elements used from each group member’s individual storyboard in the sequence that you feel are the most significant - do a PEER analysis of these
    2) Say what thrillers you, as a group, have taken inspirations from and why - where is this evident in your storyboard?
    3) Make sure you identify where you have taken each idea from (whose storyboard) and why
    4) Elaborate on your points and conclusion
    5) Double check spelling and grammar
